For Free Consultation: (847) 485-2650
Renaissance Med Spa | 1300 E. Woodfield Road | Schaumburg, IL Suite #308

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*Cancellations within 24 hours of the appointment and "no show" will be subject to a $25 fee.
Laser Hair Removal
Using the latest and greatest hair removal systems, here at Renaissance Med Spa we use The Vectus® Hair Removal System by Palomar. Laser hair removal is one of the more popular non-surgical cosmetic procedures in the United States. It is safe, effective and great for all skin types, genders or ages. With long lasting results, when you choose Vectus® at Renaissance Med Spa you can enjoy smooth, permanent hair loss.
Smooth Skin With Laser Hair Removal
Waxing, tweezing and shaving will be a thing of the past, thanks to the state-of-the-art options in laser hair removal at Renaissance Med Spa. The Elysion Pro Hair Removal Laser allows us to remove large areas on almost any area of the body. The Vectus® system, unlike other laser hair removal systems, is ideal for most types of hair and skin tones. This makes it a safe, effective, and permanent solution for unwanted hair removal. We even have patients driving from Wisconsin, Central Illinois, and other surrounding states to have this outstanding laser done. You will be in the best of hands with our professional staff.

Smooth Skin Starts Here
Complete solution
Designed to work with four different wavelengths (755nm, 810nm, 940nm y 1060 nm) to permanently and safely remove any type of hair on all skin types. Ultra Short Pulse technology (3ms), exclusive for hair removal, damages germination cells without heating the skin and high fluence - 3Hz in static mode and 15Hz in dynamic mode – makes each session effective. Crystal Freeze guarantees high skin protection and excellent comfort for the patients. Elysion Pro guarantees effectiveness, safety, comfort for the patients and profitability for the clinic.
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